How to Make a Crocheted Hammock
Making this particular hammock involves knotting of strings or cords into patterns called macrame. You can easily match this hammock with your outdoor area as there are many patterns and colors to choose from. You can also paint the dowels to match the color of the hammock’s cords.
3 pcs of 30″ long, 1-1/4″ Hardwood Dowels
2 pcs of 36″ long, 5/8″ Hardwood Dowels
200 yards of 1/4″ Macrame Cord Rope
1″ Wood Screws
Measuring Tape

I'd really appreciate more words the pictures are nice but it doesn't tell me everything I need more to go on. I'd love to make this maybe make like 3 or 4 of them but I just don't dare without more info.
I agree What length of rope do we need of each color would be very helpful. These are very nice.
Do you have written instructions for this? The photos are good but I need steps to go by on the knots.
Check for knots on Pinterest, cool idea, could even be used in the house.
If you put your knees over that dowel it will be very uncomfortable. I like it but I want to use something softer. Can anyone think of anything else.