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Cute Scarecrow Craft

Creating a cute scarecrow craft can be a delightful and fun project for all ages. Start by gathering some supplies like colorful paper, markers, and glue to bring your scarecrow to life. Use your creativity to design a charming face with a big smile and rosy cheeks to give your scarecrow a friendly appearance. Don't forget to add some straw or fabric scraps for the hair and outfit to complete the look. Whether you are crafting alone or with loved ones, this activity is sure to bring joy and warmth to your day. So, grab your materials and let your imagination run wild as you enjoy making your own adorable scarecrow craft!

Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • Large bottle with a neck
  • Tissue Paper
  • Modge Podge
  • Acrylic Paint
  • Twine
  • Small Sheet of Burlap
  • Felt
  • Rafia
  • Silk Flower
  • Plaid Wired Ribbon in Fall Colors
  • Large Button
  • Hot Glue
  • Clear Coat Spray

Here’s What to Do:

  1. Cover your bottle (I used a large wine bottle) with tissue paper held in place with modge podge. Be sure to apply the modge podge underneath as well as over the tissue paper.
  2. While your bottle dries,find something round of the approximate size you’d like the brim of your hat and trace a circle onto your felt. Cut the felt circle out and then cut a circle inside of that circle so that it will slide onto the neck of your bottle.
  3. Trace two circles onto the burlap that are slightly larger than the felt circle. Cut a circle in the center of each of these so that they will slide onto the neck of your bottle.
  4. Using the hot glue gun, glue one circle onto each side of the felt circle.
  5. When your bottle is dry use acrylic paint to cover the entire bottle in the color of your choice and allow to dry.
  6. When your bottle is dry, slide the hat brim that you made from felt and burlap onto the neck of the bottle.
  7. Apply modge podge to the neck of your bottle and wrap the twine around all the way to the top.
  8. Finish your hat by using hot glue to attach a fall colored flower to the hat between the brim and the top section.
  9. Using acrylic paint make a cute face for your scarecrow and allow time for it to dry.
  10. When the scarecrow’s face is dry, spray the bottle with clear coat spray to add some shine and protection. Take care not to get much clear coat on your scarecrow’s hat.
  11. When the scarecrow’s face is dry, use the hot glue gun to attach rafia around the base of the hat. Cut shorter peices of rafia for above the face.
  12. Finally, attach the plaid ribbon, bow and button to the bottom of your bottle.

Display your cute scarecrow in your home throughout the fall season!

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