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Clothespin Poinsettia Ornament Craft

Creating a Clothespin Poinsettia Ornament is a delightful and fun holiday craft that adds a special touch to your decorations. To make this charming ornament, you'll need clothespins, red paint, green pipe cleaners, and a touch of creativity. By painting the clothespins red, shaping the pipe cleaners into leaves, and assembling them together, you'll have a beautiful poinsettia ornament to hang on your tree or give as a thoughtful handmade gift. This craft project is perfect for bringing the festive spirit into your home while enjoying a creative and relaxing crafting session. Give it a try and let your imagination bloom with these lovely Clothespin Poinsettia Ornaments!

What you will need:

  • Clothespins, Wooden Spring-Style
  • Acrylic Craft Paint – Primary Red
  • Pom Poms, Gold Tinsel (these can be found at the dollar tree usually)
  • Craft Felt – Bright Red, Olive Green, Dark Green
  • Natural Jute Twine
  • Glue Gun and Glue Sticks
  • Circle Template – 2 ¼”
  • Marker
  • Paintbrush
  • Scissors

How to make a clothespin poinsettia ornament!


Gather all your supplies. Remove the metal spring from the wooden clothespins. Line up five clothespins in a V shape on your work surface, and five in a straight line to create a poinsettia shape. Attach the wooden clothespin pieces together with a glue gun and glue sticks, using the photo as a template.

TIP: You can also use craft glue for this project, but you will have to wait for it to dry. It will work fine though if you are having little hands helping with this project.


Paint the front and all sides of the clothespin flower with primary red acrylic craft paint. Set aside to dry and apply a second coat, if necessary.


Place circle template onto bright red craft felt and trace the outline of the 2 ¼” circle with a marker. Carefully cut out the circle from felt, cutting inside the traced lines for a clean, finished project. Glue felt to the back of the poinsettia ornament.


Cut a leaf shape out of olive green and dark green craft felt with scissors. Place a ½” line of glue at the base of each leaf and fold in half to create dimension.

Attach a variety of gold tinsel pom poms into the center of each clothespin poinsettia with a glue gun and glue sticks.


To finish the Clothespin Poinsettia ornament, cut a 12” length of natural jute twine, tie it in a loop with a knot, and attach it to the top of the back with a glue gun and glue sticks. Secure the leaves to the back of the flower, at an angle.

If you would like to use this as a fridge magnet you can leave off the twine and hot glue a magnet to the back.

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